Thursday, May 5, 2016

PPPB Post-Part 4 Intermission

Just want to get some things out the way so that I don't have to do it when I do Part 5.

First, I should mention that it's weird how meeting up with the mole Pokemon are not done  in the usual random encounter fashion. Instead, you have to look for a dust cloud on the ground. Get to it, and you'll get to the mole.

Secondly, I'm kinda surprised at the evolution sequence, with the sprite breaking off into something akin to pixels before the next form reforms.


 As for the design... eh. I kinda dislike it.

But, hey, I can now say that my Pokemon Digivolved!

But Toodope wasn't the only one who digivolved. 

 The design is okay, I guess. 

I also found this item. 

 I don't know if it's a consumable or not, but since it can be used once, I'm probably just going to sell it. 

Finally, I got two more Pokemon.


This was the... thing I saw at the beginning of the game flying in the sky. They kinda remind me of beholders. So, halfholder. 


...the name says it all.

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