Wednesday, July 13, 2016

PPPB Part 14: Ariel's Prophecy Applies Here?

Part 14: Ariel's Prophecy Applies Here?

(Note: I don't expect anyone to actually know what I'm referencing.)

Howdy-doo, welcome to Panzer Plays Pokemon Black. Where's here at Mistralton so let's get right into it.

I quickly find out a use for those Heart Scales I've gotten on occasion. It's to give to an NPC that will allow me to teach a Pokemon a forgotten move. Well, that's nice. There's also a guy in the same place who will make a Pokemon forget a move. Which... sounds super dangerous. But, eh.

I don't get too far into the town when some guy comes up to me and says he wants to see my Pokedex.

He notes how many Pokemon I've caught and the act that I saw a Klink. And then he realizes he's being a bit too excited and decides to introduce himself.

This guy is Professor Juniper's father.

I find it weird that he referred to his daughter as "That girl". But he upgrades my pokedex. Nothing of real importance to me I don't think. He mentions that the pokedex will now take into account pokemon with different forms, as well as improved search functions. Basically, a Pokedex you should have began the game with.

Someone who also came with him comes up and asks who I am. It turns out to be Skyla, a gym leader here that I heard a bit about beforehand.

Also there's an offhand mention of the Kanto and Sinnoh regions which is I guess a neat little nod to actual Pokemon fans.

Anyway, it's made clear early on that the gym leader is also a Pilot. And while I'm free to challenge her, she has something she needs to do first.  While flying she saw something on Celestial Tower. She doesn't know what, but she wonders if it's a sick Pokemon and if so it would need rescuing. She heads off and leaves me alone.


So normal passenger flights? Screw you, that's what Pokemon are for!

Is Skyla a cargo plane pilot who works for Bowser on the side? Why does anyone need cannons?

This place is weird. And kinda dangerous.

There really isn't too much to this town. Perhaps because the town seems to be half cargo plane runway/greenhouses and half actual town that the town itself seems sparse. And so I head on.

This is unfortunate. The name, Shelmet... I like the name. It a neat name. The design looks awful. Not Roggenrola awful, but awful. I should also say that if you don't press anything the camera starts moving around like some drunk guy being unable to focus on the battle (or that one Spoony One gag where he talks about the cameraman in Quarantine and... you know what never mind!

I miss old Spoony. He seems miserable nowadays last I checked.)

, which is why, for those not familiar with this aspect, that the placement of the Pokemon is a bit off.

I also found out that if a pokemon is made drowsy and then digs, when it falls asleep it will interrupt Dig.

At some point I decided to rename two of my Pokemon, my Garbador and my Archetops (Names may be spelled wrong.)

Anyway, Route 7 has a couple thin roads you have to keep running on or you fall down. But it's nothing special. However there is a sign with a Trainer tip stating that EXP gain varies depending on the level. Gee, thanks for dropping that hint now of all times and not, like, near the beginning of the game.

Eventually I get a call from Mom. And nothing of importance was told. It was nothing more than a "I'm checking on you" call.

I should also note that in the area I fought the Simis. They're like the Pans but their higher forms. 

I get to the Celestial Tower, which is some sort of Pokemon Graveyard.

This reminds me that, for some reason, I've heard plenty of Pokemon fans claim that Pokemon cannot die. Now, I'm not really a Pokemon fan but I do remember a little town called Lavender Town. And we have this place as well. But there's all sorts of fans for any large franchise, and some are simply without any idea of what they're talking about.

Speaking of Lavender Tower, Celestial Tower is a lot like it. Multiple floors with random battles and trainers while navigating through a semi-maze of graves. Random Encounter Rate is kinda high, though.

I make it up to the top and see Skyla. She did find a hurt Pokemon, but she had already gave it a Max Revive and it left. So she says I should ring the bell.

The tone of the bell not only soothes the spirits or something, but it's also based on the character of the ringer. After I ring it, she says she likes the tone and invites her over to the Gym. And I get to see the cannons.

I take back what I said. She's not working for Bowser, she's working for Professor Bomb.

Unlike a couple of the other gyms, this one is rather straightforward. I mean, there's still the whole cannon gimmick but there's not much of a puzzle to it beyond knowing which way to enter said cannons.

Oh and I get shot into a wall by a cannon. No, Skyla, you will not escape your defeat by killing meeeeeee.

After I beat her she, among some praises, also noted that she had saw Team Plasma head off to another city.
However, just as I exit the gym, N-Gage spots me.

He states that he was raised around pokemon and he can talk to pokemon better than humans and he wants to talk to my Garbador to see what kind of trainer I am. He does get a rather concise answer, apparently, as he finds out my home town and a couple other things not immediately discernible with GABOGARBODOR.

I've never seen it talk but it's either that or weird growling noises.

He says that if more pokemon and humans were like us he wouldn't have to worry about separating Pokemon and Humans. He also states that Ghetsis is trying to find two stones to gain the legendary Pokemon associated with and hero prophecy (no this has nothing to do with the title of this part) and whatnot. Reverse-Meowth wants to get his own dragon legendary and befriend it and be ruler and stuff.

Ideally, he'd want to do it without force.


He realizes that the separation isn't necessarily a good thing for some trainers and heads off.

I head onwards to

Twist Mountain

But just as I get there Cheren catches up with me again. I beat him, and Aldur seems to have seen the fight, calling it a great battle. However, Cheren, seeing as he lost, is a bit perturbed by Aldur calling it good.

Aldur asks Cheren once more about what he would do after he becomes champion. Cheren sees being champ as justification of his existence, to prove that he's really living.

Aldur is reminded of someone named Marshal, and he gives us both Surf before heading off. Cheren reflects over his decision and leaves as well.

And I will leave here too. I, uh... I don't have a suitable Pokemon for surf aside from Ducklette. Anyway, I'll catch you guys later.

And it's a Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Reference. "...but first, you must rise, and you must fall, and find your salvation in between." I go through a graveyard, go up a tower, and fight a gym leader and shut up it makes sense to me!

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